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Torv i bunker

Posted: 13 Jul 2011, 02:38
by barcentrale
Situasjon: Spiller A slår et slag i forkant av en bunker. En saftig torv havner opp i bunkeren og legger seg inntil ballen til spiller B.

Spørsmål: Kan spiller B fjerne torven uten straff?

Re: Torv i bunker

Posted: 13 Jul 2011, 07:50
by viz0id
Vil tro at du kan flytte den like mye som du kan flytte raka i bunkeren?

Re: Torv i bunker

Posted: 13 Jul 2011, 09:33
by Snaphooker
Nei, tror ikke det. Det er ikke lov til å berøre og/eller fjerne naturgjenstander i hindre uansett.

Re: Torv i bunker

Posted: 13 Jul 2011, 09:35
by viz0id
Snaphooker wrote:Nei, tror ikke det. Det er ikke lov til å berøre og/eller fjerne naturgjenstander i hindre uansett.
Så hvis du spiller konkuranse og noen kommer å kaste ei bøtte med sand oppå ballen din når den ligger i bunkeren så må du spille as it lays?

Bullshit. Hvis reglene er så galne så må noen ta seg ei bolle

Ballen ligger der før det kommer en ny gjenstand oppå. hadde vært noe annet hvis torva lå der først.

Re: Torv i bunker

Posted: 13 Jul 2011, 10:59
by Snaphooker
Du har rett:
13-4/18 Partner's, Opponent's or Fellow-Competitor's Divot
A player's partner, opponent or fellow-competitor plays a stroke from near a bunker and the divot comes to rest near the player's ball lying in the bunker. May the divot be removed?
A player is entitled to the lie which his stroke gave him. Accordingly, in equity (Rule 1-4) the divot may be removed without penalty.
The same would apply if the player's ball was lying in a water hazard.

Et par andre descisions som er i nærheten av hva du spør om viser likevel at du ikke alltid kan fjerne gjenstander som kommer til leie ditt etter at ballen har kommet i ro:
13-4/14 Player Accidentally Kicks Pine Cone into Bunker and picks it up
A player's ball went into a bunker. The player accidentally kicked a pine cone, and it rolled into the bunker. He picked up the pine cone which was not interfering with his stance or the area of his intended swing. Did he incur a penalty?
Yes. A pine cone is a loose impediment – see Definition of “Loose Impediments” – and may not be removed when both the impediment and the ball lie in a hazard (Rule 13-4c). By removing the pine cone from the bunker, the player incurred a penalty of loss of hole in match play or two strokes in stroke play for a breach of Rule 13


13-4/18.5 Pine Cone Falls from Tree and Comes to Rest Behind Ball Lying in Bunker
A pine cone falls from a tree and comes to rest behind a ball which is lying in a bunker. Under the principle in Decision 13-4/18, may the player remove the pine cone without penalty?
No. The principle in Decision 13-4/18 is applied only in cases in which the lie of a ball has been altered as a result of an act by another player or caddie, or by a spectator or other animate outside agency. In this case, the lie was altered through natural causes.